Strange Case of Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde presented by Sydney Theatre Company
Prepare to be spellbound by a vivid adaptation of a Gothic classic, transformed for the stage through engrossing live video. Written and directed by Sydney Theatre Company Artistic Director Kip Williams, this thrilling adaptation of Robert Louis Stevenson’s mystery for the ages is an unmissable production on the cutting edge of theatrical and cinematic design.
Penned by one of the English language’s greatest writers, Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde follows London lawyer Gabriel Utterson as he attempts to unravel the mysteries surrounding his friend Dr Henry Jekyll and the shadowy new presence in his life – Mr Edward Hyde. One of the most gripping and intricate tales ever told, this chilling detective story has captivated artists and audiences alike for generations. Two virtuosic actors – Matthew Backer and Ewen Leslie – perform all the roles in the thrilling chronicle of the doomed and divided Jekyll, the rapacious Hyde, and the transfixed Utterson, caught in between. This dazzling production delves into the place between good and bad, the self and the other, the public and the private, and the artist and the audience.
Presenting Artists: Jekyll & Hyde Team Member and Sohan Ariel Hayes.